Sunday, 22 April 2012

ups...and downs....

at times i feel like i'm drunk
gingerly putting one foot in front of the other
walking the line is often tough.....
eyes closed, head spinning
my mind a whirlpool
making sleep impossible!
and there are times when i feel i can fly
flapping my wings without feathers
floating gracefully in the sky
floating in the wind, floating in the wind.......
but what i really want, really really want
is to step firmly on this hallowed ground
yet feel like i'm floating, floating
high up in the sky........

Sunday, 8 April 2012

of deaths & friendships...

Last night I went with a couple of friends to visit a friend whose mother passed on earlier in the afternoon. Another reminder at how fragile life is. You just DON'T know when your time is up. The three of us ended up at Satay Station later for a very late dinner. It was more of an excuse to touch base with our thoughts and feelings.

I absolutely love these friends of mine. I trust them. I KNOW they'll always prop me up and be my cheerleaders when I need cheerleaders to help me get on with life. THANK YOU know who you are  :)

I'M BLESSED!! Thank you ya Allah!