"Ibu! Ibu! Tadi poskod datang! hantar surat! adik dah ambik dah surat yang poskod hantar tu!!!" beritahu anak saya yang berumur 7 tahun tu.
Myself:.... errr... poskod? hantar surat?
apa tu??
apa ??
Ooohhhh..... POSMEN
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Angry with God....or with themselves?
I have friends who are angry with God. They blame God for almost everything that go wrong with their lives. This is on top of blaming every one else. Except themselves.
These friends of mine are super smart beings - straight As, single aggregate for MCE sort. Both went to UK for tertiary studies. One graduated with flying colours and went on to become a genius in his field. The other made it through A levels by the skin of his teeth. And didn't manage to add on to that despite being given a second chance.
The genius left formal employment in his early 30s. I heard from him again in the late 90s. He was divorced and living on his own quite close to where I stayed then. He had become an atheist. A pretty angry one. He used to rave and rant about religion and religious folks. He severed ties with his parents. Contracted cancer along the way.
No2 went on to work for, in my opinion, a jerk. Became a PA of sorts. Loved his work as he could party all week long - at someone else's expense. He went on to lose faith in God and called his jerk-boss God instead. Along the way he got into serious trouble and left his "God". And went back to living with mom.
No1 had patched up with his parents when I met him a couple of years ago. Seemed to have mellowed too. No longer raving about religion, religious folks or God. Only that he has his own version of religion.
No2 is still living with mom. Fed by mom. Don't want to try anything for fear of failing. Don't want to meet friends for fear of having to explain things.
They both have certain common traits. They have a lot of fear. Disguised as "I don't care" about what others think, about anything.
And both are afraid of death. When I asked No1 why he was so afraid of death when he believes it to be just one long sleep, he got silent. He still hasn't answered me. I don't think he has an answer.
No2 said that all he wants is toilet space in heaven. When I asked him why he believes in heaven and hell when he doesn't believe in God, he couldn't answer me then. He still can't answer me now.
I believe that both are afraid to be Muslims. They both know quite a lot about Islam. Both were born Muslims. Somewhere along the way, they got too scared to admit that they've erred, sinned, whatever. They refused to be accountable for these sins. So they berate God instead.
And when I told them that God doesn't care whether they believe in Him or not, they got upset. When I told them that God will still shower them with whatever is due to them until they die, they got upset. When I told them that God doesn't need them, they got upset. When I told them that they're upset because they want God to notice them and give them preferential treatment, they got upset.
Such angry souls. Such hungry souls. Such empty souls.
I pray they find God before they go..........
These friends of mine are super smart beings - straight As, single aggregate for MCE sort. Both went to UK for tertiary studies. One graduated with flying colours and went on to become a genius in his field. The other made it through A levels by the skin of his teeth. And didn't manage to add on to that despite being given a second chance.
The genius left formal employment in his early 30s. I heard from him again in the late 90s. He was divorced and living on his own quite close to where I stayed then. He had become an atheist. A pretty angry one. He used to rave and rant about religion and religious folks. He severed ties with his parents. Contracted cancer along the way.
No2 went on to work for, in my opinion, a jerk. Became a PA of sorts. Loved his work as he could party all week long - at someone else's expense. He went on to lose faith in God and called his jerk-boss God instead. Along the way he got into serious trouble and left his "God". And went back to living with mom.
No1 had patched up with his parents when I met him a couple of years ago. Seemed to have mellowed too. No longer raving about religion, religious folks or God. Only that he has his own version of religion.
No2 is still living with mom. Fed by mom. Don't want to try anything for fear of failing. Don't want to meet friends for fear of having to explain things.
They both have certain common traits. They have a lot of fear. Disguised as "I don't care" about what others think, about anything.
And both are afraid of death. When I asked No1 why he was so afraid of death when he believes it to be just one long sleep, he got silent. He still hasn't answered me. I don't think he has an answer.
No2 said that all he wants is toilet space in heaven. When I asked him why he believes in heaven and hell when he doesn't believe in God, he couldn't answer me then. He still can't answer me now.
I believe that both are afraid to be Muslims. They both know quite a lot about Islam. Both were born Muslims. Somewhere along the way, they got too scared to admit that they've erred, sinned, whatever. They refused to be accountable for these sins. So they berate God instead.
And when I told them that God doesn't care whether they believe in Him or not, they got upset. When I told them that God will still shower them with whatever is due to them until they die, they got upset. When I told them that God doesn't need them, they got upset. When I told them that they're upset because they want God to notice them and give them preferential treatment, they got upset.
Such angry souls. Such hungry souls. Such empty souls.
I pray they find God before they go..........
Monday, 24 June 2013
Golongan yang berpegang hanya pada al-Quran....
Kebelakangan ini saya terdedah kepada golongan yang hanya berpegang kepada al-Quran. Bukan ini sahaja, malah mereka kata tidak perlu merujuk kepada kitab tafsir muktabar untuk memahami isi kandung al-Quran. Menurut mereka terjemahan itu sudah cukup jelas.
Berkerut dahi saya. Okay, mungkin saya ini memang jahil bahasa. Sebab bila saya baca terjemahan, banyak yang saya tak faham. Tak kiralah samada terjemahan dalam bahasa Melayu atau Inggeris. Bila rujuk kat kitab tafsir baru jelas. Itu pun adakalanya tetap kena tanya juga kat orang lain sebab tak berapa nak faham! Nasiblah ada ramai kawan2 yang berilmu yang rajin pergi kuliah agama dan tak tamak ilmu. Alhamdulillah :)
Saya tertanya2 macam mana golongan yang tak merujuk hadith ni beribadat. Macam mana dia orang nak tahu cara2 solat, puasa, zakat, nikah kawin dan sebagainya.
Dia orang tak mengaku status nabi dan rasul ke? Tapi kan dalam al-Quran ada sebut yang kita kena taat kepada Allah dan Rasulnya. Hmmm....jadi kalau tak terima hadith macam kita tak terima apa yang Rasul kita cakap dan buatlah kan? Jadi apa yang golongan ini beranggapan tentang nabi dan rasul?
Golongan ini semakin hari semakin ramai. Kebanyakannya dari golongan educated dan profesional. Mereka2 ini saling memperkuatkan hujah2 satu sama lain. Mereka sangat mengagungkan hukum akal/logik. Sangat liberal dan kebaratan. I somehow imagine them discussing religion over latte and creme brulee at popular hangouts.
Kadang2 saya rasa ideologi ini telah menjadi trendy. Mungkin sebab agama telah dipermudahkan kepada tahap "percaya" aja. Tak payah sibuk2 kena buat. Tak payah rituals yang melecehkan hidup.
Which begs the question...percaya pada apa? Percaya pada Allah tapi tak payah ikut perintah Allah seperti yang Dia turunkan kepada Nabi2 dan Rasul2nya? How is that?
Ada yang kata solat itu ialah being a responsible human being ie doing good. Ada yang kata tak payah tutup aurat sebab dalam al-Quran tak ada cakap pun kena tutup kepala dll. Dia orang kata dalam al-Quran hanya sebut untuk melabuhkan kain melepasi dada.
Ooookay....apa logiknya melabuhkan kain melepasi dada jika tak payah tutup kaki tangan?
Teringat kat seorang kawan yang mengikut ajaran tersalah alignment beberapa tahun dulu. Bila bab solat, puasa, naik haji...semua pakai niat aja. Jenuh kita cakap yang Rasulullah sampai time hampir wafat pun solat lagi. Dah tentu2 neraka tu haram baginya. Ini pula kita yang tengah solat pun minda siap terbang ke angkasa lepas!
Memang fitrah manusia nak cari yang senang yang shortcut. Semua nak yang instant!
Kalau mereka2 ni buat aje sendiri rasanya okay juga lagi. Tapi dia orang recruit orang untuk ikut mereka. Mat kawan saya dulu tu nak recruit saya yang dianggap a good candidate sebab dia tengok saya santai aja dengan rambut berwarna-warni, tak tutup aurat, hisap rokok. Saya tanya dia kenapa dia tak cuba recruit kawan baik saya yang cukup time solat tu. Dia diam aja.
Saya observe mereka ni. And I came to the conclusion that they all want to believe in a higher being. They want to embrace a religion. But they want a customised-to-their-needs religion. Agama yang tailor made to fit their lifestyles, their beliefs. Mereka tak suka diperintah2, disuruh2.
Kesian mereka. Must be exhausting....refuting the truth.............
Berkerut dahi saya. Okay, mungkin saya ini memang jahil bahasa. Sebab bila saya baca terjemahan, banyak yang saya tak faham. Tak kiralah samada terjemahan dalam bahasa Melayu atau Inggeris. Bila rujuk kat kitab tafsir baru jelas. Itu pun adakalanya tetap kena tanya juga kat orang lain sebab tak berapa nak faham! Nasiblah ada ramai kawan2 yang berilmu yang rajin pergi kuliah agama dan tak tamak ilmu. Alhamdulillah :)
Saya tertanya2 macam mana golongan yang tak merujuk hadith ni beribadat. Macam mana dia orang nak tahu cara2 solat, puasa, zakat, nikah kawin dan sebagainya.
Dia orang tak mengaku status nabi dan rasul ke? Tapi kan dalam al-Quran ada sebut yang kita kena taat kepada Allah dan Rasulnya. Hmmm....jadi kalau tak terima hadith macam kita tak terima apa yang Rasul kita cakap dan buatlah kan? Jadi apa yang golongan ini beranggapan tentang nabi dan rasul?
Golongan ini semakin hari semakin ramai. Kebanyakannya dari golongan educated dan profesional. Mereka2 ini saling memperkuatkan hujah2 satu sama lain. Mereka sangat mengagungkan hukum akal/logik. Sangat liberal dan kebaratan. I somehow imagine them discussing religion over latte and creme brulee at popular hangouts.
Kadang2 saya rasa ideologi ini telah menjadi trendy. Mungkin sebab agama telah dipermudahkan kepada tahap "percaya" aja. Tak payah sibuk2 kena buat. Tak payah rituals yang melecehkan hidup.
Which begs the question...percaya pada apa? Percaya pada Allah tapi tak payah ikut perintah Allah seperti yang Dia turunkan kepada Nabi2 dan Rasul2nya? How is that?
Ada yang kata solat itu ialah being a responsible human being ie doing good. Ada yang kata tak payah tutup aurat sebab dalam al-Quran tak ada cakap pun kena tutup kepala dll. Dia orang kata dalam al-Quran hanya sebut untuk melabuhkan kain melepasi dada.
Ooookay....apa logiknya melabuhkan kain melepasi dada jika tak payah tutup kaki tangan?
Teringat kat seorang kawan yang mengikut ajaran tersalah alignment beberapa tahun dulu. Bila bab solat, puasa, naik haji...semua pakai niat aja. Jenuh kita cakap yang Rasulullah sampai time hampir wafat pun solat lagi. Dah tentu2 neraka tu haram baginya. Ini pula kita yang tengah solat pun minda siap terbang ke angkasa lepas!
Memang fitrah manusia nak cari yang senang yang shortcut. Semua nak yang instant!
Kalau mereka2 ni buat aje sendiri rasanya okay juga lagi. Tapi dia orang recruit orang untuk ikut mereka. Mat kawan saya dulu tu nak recruit saya yang dianggap a good candidate sebab dia tengok saya santai aja dengan rambut berwarna-warni, tak tutup aurat, hisap rokok. Saya tanya dia kenapa dia tak cuba recruit kawan baik saya yang cukup time solat tu. Dia diam aja.
Saya observe mereka ni. And I came to the conclusion that they all want to believe in a higher being. They want to embrace a religion. But they want a customised-to-their-needs religion. Agama yang tailor made to fit their lifestyles, their beliefs. Mereka tak suka diperintah2, disuruh2.
Kesian mereka. Must be exhausting....refuting the truth.............
Pendakwah2 itu......
Petang tadi aku terdengar perbualan pendakwah2 dengan jiran aku, orang Indonesia. Berhemah sungguh jiran aku mendengar tazkirah ketua pendakwah itu. Dia mendengar dengan begitu hormat sekali. Teringat aku tentang perbualan aku dengan seorang mamat kat kampung ni beberapa tahun yang lalu......
Dia : Geram aku tadi! Aku tengah kat dapur memokak ajo dio orang panggil aku.
Aku: Siapa?
Dia : Orang tabligh tu lah. Mengacau jo!
Aku: Yang kau marah sangat apa hal? Okay apa dia orang tu.
Dia : Alah macam bagus ajo nak ajak orang poi surau. Macamlah orang tak sembahyang.
Aku: Mano dia orang tau kau sembahyang ko tak ko. Kojo dio orang ajak poi surau. Baguslah tu.
Dia : Aah menyibuk ajo! Aku maki dio orang tadi.
Aku: Hello! Nasib ado orang nak menyibuk tau. Padan muko kau. Duduk sebolah surau tampi tak jojak kaki kek surau. Sampai orang luar kono datang ajak laie poi surau kampung sendiri. Patut kau malu...bukan marah jang!
Dia : Alah dio orang tu buek sibuk jo kek sini.
Aku: Friend! Kau ingat dio orang tu seronok poi sumo rumah ajak orang poi surau. Eh kalau surau sini ponuh, takdolah dio orang tu sibuk datang sini kotuk pintu sumo rumah bagai. Banyak kojo lain laie. Time bapak kito dulu mano ado orang tabligh masuk kampung cam sekarang. Sobab dulu surau ponuh! Bapak2 kito ahli jemaah. Tak cam kito!
Dia : Alah taulah.
Aku: Tau apo? Tau jo tapi tak buek apo guno. Akulah kan, aku memang suko ado orang ajak2 aku tau. At least aku tau Tuhan tu sayang gak kek aku laie. Dio hantar orang ingatkan aku. Tak kirolah orang tu cakap elok2 ko, maki ko, sindir ko...janji ado! Buek eh takdo camno? Ke laut aku tau tak!
Dia : Kau ni cam bagus jo kan. Bertudung pun tak, banyak cakap!
Aku: Kau ni togor aku pasal marah ko kau ikhlas suruh aku bertudung ni jang?
Dia : Iyolah! Kau cakap macam ustazah tampi rupo cam rocker.
Aku: Kau doa2kan aku jang. Mano tau lagi sekali kau jumpo aku, aku dah tutup habih.
Dia : Iyolah tu!
Aku: Kau jangan lupo doa yo jang!
Surau kat kampung aku ni masih tak penuh. Walhal orang lelaki punyalah ramai kat sini........
Dia : Geram aku tadi! Aku tengah kat dapur memokak ajo dio orang panggil aku.
Aku: Siapa?
Dia : Orang tabligh tu lah. Mengacau jo!
Aku: Yang kau marah sangat apa hal? Okay apa dia orang tu.
Dia : Alah macam bagus ajo nak ajak orang poi surau. Macamlah orang tak sembahyang.
Aku: Mano dia orang tau kau sembahyang ko tak ko. Kojo dio orang ajak poi surau. Baguslah tu.
Dia : Aah menyibuk ajo! Aku maki dio orang tadi.
Aku: Hello! Nasib ado orang nak menyibuk tau. Padan muko kau. Duduk sebolah surau tampi tak jojak kaki kek surau. Sampai orang luar kono datang ajak laie poi surau kampung sendiri. Patut kau malu...bukan marah jang!
Dia : Alah dio orang tu buek sibuk jo kek sini.
Aku: Friend! Kau ingat dio orang tu seronok poi sumo rumah ajak orang poi surau. Eh kalau surau sini ponuh, takdolah dio orang tu sibuk datang sini kotuk pintu sumo rumah bagai. Banyak kojo lain laie. Time bapak kito dulu mano ado orang tabligh masuk kampung cam sekarang. Sobab dulu surau ponuh! Bapak2 kito ahli jemaah. Tak cam kito!
Dia : Alah taulah.
Aku: Tau apo? Tau jo tapi tak buek apo guno. Akulah kan, aku memang suko ado orang ajak2 aku tau. At least aku tau Tuhan tu sayang gak kek aku laie. Dio hantar orang ingatkan aku. Tak kirolah orang tu cakap elok2 ko, maki ko, sindir ko...janji ado! Buek eh takdo camno? Ke laut aku tau tak!
Dia : Kau ni cam bagus jo kan. Bertudung pun tak, banyak cakap!
Aku: Kau ni togor aku pasal marah ko kau ikhlas suruh aku bertudung ni jang?
Dia : Iyolah! Kau cakap macam ustazah tampi rupo cam rocker.
Aku: Kau doa2kan aku jang. Mano tau lagi sekali kau jumpo aku, aku dah tutup habih.
Dia : Iyolah tu!
Aku: Kau jangan lupo doa yo jang!
Surau kat kampung aku ni masih tak penuh. Walhal orang lelaki punyalah ramai kat sini........
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
How do I love thee?
How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.......
I love thee........
like having Zai's lemon cake with premium coffee
like spooning Moo Cow "original" yogurt on a hot day
like a chat with good old friends from TKC
like kissing my cucus after their shower
like receiving a phone call from Noriza Mohamad Zabdi
like teasing Hani when she asks, "Do you miss me?"
like having pisang goreng, tahu sumbat and cucoq udang from gerai Kak Elan for tea
like watching romantic comedy movies
like seeing my friends' antics on fb
like being caught in a traffic jam with someone else driving
like having much missed people visit unexpectedly
***boleh tak macam ni?? ;)
Let me count the ways.......
I love thee........
like having Zai's lemon cake with premium coffee
like spooning Moo Cow "original" yogurt on a hot day
like a chat with good old friends from TKC
like kissing my cucus after their shower
like receiving a phone call from Noriza Mohamad Zabdi
like teasing Hani when she asks, "Do you miss me?"
like having pisang goreng, tahu sumbat and cucoq udang from gerai Kak Elan for tea
like watching romantic comedy movies
like seeing my friends' antics on fb
like being caught in a traffic jam with someone else driving
like having much missed people visit unexpectedly
***boleh tak macam ni?? ;)
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Ordinary me, ordinary life....
I have a million things I want to write about. All nicely written in my mind. Sometimes I wish I'm one of those who talks into dictaphones or whatever you call those recording devices. And have someone transcribe it. Yea....I'm always dreaming.... :)
I've been super-lazy. Not that I'm industrious to start with. So you can imagine how bad it is when I get into this state. I hate it! Yet I indulge it. S.I.G.H......
It's times like this that I long for a housemate. One who is super-industrious. Who can prod, push and pull me to move and do whatever needs to be done. Who will do it despite my protests, excuses, rantings. One who will persevere no matter what. One who can ignore my "killer" look and the noise I make and still smile serenely. One who will ensure that I do every single thing on my "To Do" list in a timely and effective manner.
I get too lazy to eat at times. Yea, crazy, ...I know. I think I have too many lazy bones. Or too many lazy brain cells. Lazy muscles too?? Hmmmm.......
The heat and haze make me more lethargic. Especially when they come at the tailend of a sinus attack.
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Bukan tak nak marah
Kemarahan tidak boleh berumur panjang di dada seorang yang berhati baik, kebaikan tidak boleh berakar di hati seseorang yang berdasar buruk.
[sumber: twitter]
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Buat sendiri ajelah....lets! 2
We so love to whine, moan, groan don't we? Then we look at who we can blame this state of affairs on. Aha! prime target.....the government!
Our gripes are, among others, the following:
1) petrol price is up again!
So? Walk, cycle, car pool, use public transport more. Helps reduce the carbon footprint too. You happy, earth happy too!
2) food price up!
Eat less, grow what you can, buy local stuff, buy direct from small farms/farmers market [pasar tani], cook at home more, eat more raw food...and the list goes on. You happy, small farmers happy, pocket happy!
3) price of other essentials up!
Go natural! Make your own shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, make up, skin lotion etc. Switch to using salt soap, homemade soaps.
4) healthcare is prohibitive!
Get your vitamins/supplements/health remedies and meds from natural sources. Detox your system regularly. Drink more water. Eat homegrown, raw food. "Puasa" more. Exercise more [refer #1]
5) electricity tariff up!
Use energy saving bulbs and gadgets. Use homemade candles. Switch to oil based "pelita". Sleep early.
6) the streets are not safe!
Be extra vigilant. Don't walk alone. Dress down. Don't carry handbags, notebooks. Take up martial arts. Smile to everyone - they'd think you're mad. Pray more!
7) the community isn't safe!
Get to know your neighbours. Help them. Be kind. Watch out for each other. Don't post every single thing you do on fb, twitter, other social media. Pray more!
8) there's so much corruption!
Don't offer "duit kopi", "dato, kita settle ajelah". Don't look for "backdoor" options. Don't accept "duit kopi", "kita settle ajelah". Be willing to lose to uphold your principles.
I believe in "do not do unto others...". I believe in "put yourself in the other person't shoes". I believe in being responsible for my own wellbeing and safety. I believe in "counting my blessings". It makes sense to me. Though I do trip at times. My bad! But I don't blame it on the government...... :D
Our gripes are, among others, the following:
1) petrol price is up again!
So? Walk, cycle, car pool, use public transport more. Helps reduce the carbon footprint too. You happy, earth happy too!
2) food price up!
Eat less, grow what you can, buy local stuff, buy direct from small farms/farmers market [pasar tani], cook at home more, eat more raw food...and the list goes on. You happy, small farmers happy, pocket happy!
3) price of other essentials up!
Go natural! Make your own shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, make up, skin lotion etc. Switch to using salt soap, homemade soaps.
4) healthcare is prohibitive!
Get your vitamins/supplements/health remedies and meds from natural sources. Detox your system regularly. Drink more water. Eat homegrown, raw food. "Puasa" more. Exercise more [refer #1]
5) electricity tariff up!
Use energy saving bulbs and gadgets. Use homemade candles. Switch to oil based "pelita". Sleep early.
6) the streets are not safe!
Be extra vigilant. Don't walk alone. Dress down. Don't carry handbags, notebooks. Take up martial arts. Smile to everyone - they'd think you're mad. Pray more!
7) the community isn't safe!
Get to know your neighbours. Help them. Be kind. Watch out for each other. Don't post every single thing you do on fb, twitter, other social media. Pray more!
8) there's so much corruption!
Don't offer "duit kopi", "dato, kita settle ajelah". Don't look for "backdoor" options. Don't accept "duit kopi", "kita settle ajelah". Be willing to lose to uphold your principles.
I believe in "do not do unto others...". I believe in "put yourself in the other person't shoes". I believe in being responsible for my own wellbeing and safety. I believe in "counting my blessings". It makes sense to me. Though I do trip at times. My bad! But I don't blame it on the government...... :D
Buat sendiri ajelah.....lets!
I tire of reading about the government not doing this and that for us, the rakyat. Seriously tired! I don't care whether you're pro BN, PR or Independent. You're beginning to sound like a broken record.
There's that old adage, "God helps those who help themselves". I'd like to believe that's true. I'd like to believe that we've matured enough to accept and applaud good deeds - regardless of it's origin. Good is good, bad is bad - tak kiralah siapa yang buat.
Lets agree on one thing - we all want good governance. So, does mud slinging bring about good governance? Does whining bring about good governance? Does "what have you done for me?" bring about good governance? Does constant censorship bring about good governance? Does being "taksub" bring about good governance?
When has constant criticism without the balance of compliments ever worked out well? When has kicking someone who is already flat on the ground ever worked favourably? When has toppling someone already standing and trying to do good ever resulted in better things?
Politics is politics. Politicians will do whatever politicians do to make things better...for them first, and us, afterward - most times. Lets accept this. There may be good, honest, rakyat-loving politicians out there I figure, but it takes time before we can ascertain who these folks are. So lets give them time. For some, time may mean literally "doing time" - at His Majesty's pleasure :P
Promises are very easy to make. Not so easy to keep. Especially when the promises cost a lot of dollars. We all have families. We've all made promises to our families. We've all been able to keep some of those promises...and broken some too. And we've all kept on making promises - some of which we know are almost impossible to keep. We tell ourselves we're human to placate our conscience.
I've got news for you. Those people in the government - they're mere homosapiens too. Just like us. Perhaps with more inflated egos to believe they can lead us. And we bolster those egos by voting them in to run part of our lives. So what can we expect from them? At most, in my opinion, is to do the best they can with the resources they have. And these folks will keep some promises...and break some along the way. Just like we do.
I've decided to leave them to do their bit. While I do my bit to make my life better. Like growing my own vegetables and fruits. Hopefully, I can grow enough to feed my family of 20 here. At the very least, I can still offer my family some savings so they'd have more disposable income. Also get healthier and fresher food. Somewhere along the way maybe rear fish or chickens since I'm lucky enough to live in a kampung.
I've got free spring water, plenty of sunshine, a long corridor and sizeable backyard, cheap labour [kids and other family members], natural resources like bamboo, fallen wood, river sand and stones etc and plenty of tips from good ole youtube and the world wide web. I'm set to make life better for me and mine. At a level I can control......
...while I hound my ADUN and MP on those areas of my life that I have lesser or no control. Oh, yes! I also thank them for the good that they have done ;)
Life...is all about balance methinks........
There's that old adage, "God helps those who help themselves". I'd like to believe that's true. I'd like to believe that we've matured enough to accept and applaud good deeds - regardless of it's origin. Good is good, bad is bad - tak kiralah siapa yang buat.
Lets agree on one thing - we all want good governance. So, does mud slinging bring about good governance? Does whining bring about good governance? Does "what have you done for me?" bring about good governance? Does constant censorship bring about good governance? Does being "taksub" bring about good governance?
When has constant criticism without the balance of compliments ever worked out well? When has kicking someone who is already flat on the ground ever worked favourably? When has toppling someone already standing and trying to do good ever resulted in better things?
Politics is politics. Politicians will do whatever politicians do to make things better...for them first, and us, afterward - most times. Lets accept this. There may be good, honest, rakyat-loving politicians out there I figure, but it takes time before we can ascertain who these folks are. So lets give them time. For some, time may mean literally "doing time" - at His Majesty's pleasure :P
Promises are very easy to make. Not so easy to keep. Especially when the promises cost a lot of dollars. We all have families. We've all made promises to our families. We've all been able to keep some of those promises...and broken some too. And we've all kept on making promises - some of which we know are almost impossible to keep. We tell ourselves we're human to placate our conscience.
I've got news for you. Those people in the government - they're mere homosapiens too. Just like us. Perhaps with more inflated egos to believe they can lead us. And we bolster those egos by voting them in to run part of our lives. So what can we expect from them? At most, in my opinion, is to do the best they can with the resources they have. And these folks will keep some promises...and break some along the way. Just like we do.
I've decided to leave them to do their bit. While I do my bit to make my life better. Like growing my own vegetables and fruits. Hopefully, I can grow enough to feed my family of 20 here. At the very least, I can still offer my family some savings so they'd have more disposable income. Also get healthier and fresher food. Somewhere along the way maybe rear fish or chickens since I'm lucky enough to live in a kampung.
I've got free spring water, plenty of sunshine, a long corridor and sizeable backyard, cheap labour [kids and other family members], natural resources like bamboo, fallen wood, river sand and stones etc and plenty of tips from good ole youtube and the world wide web. I'm set to make life better for me and mine. At a level I can control......
...while I hound my ADUN and MP on those areas of my life that I have lesser or no control. Oh, yes! I also thank them for the good that they have done ;)
Life...is all about balance methinks........
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Baca betul-betul
I thought i am already very good in Bahasa Malaysia. whereby i do have confidence to teach spm student to mengarang to get good marks for the BM paper. BUT, recently, this 7 year old kid commenting me (my youngest daughter).
'ibu, kalau ejaan tu ada huruf R, kena bunyikan R tu. bukan cakap kelua, kelawa, kelaka, selua. tapi ibu mesti sebut R tu, keluaR, kelawaR, kelakaR, seluaR.'
ouh ouh.... ouh my Bahasa
'ibu, kalau ejaan tu ada huruf R, kena bunyikan R tu. bukan cakap kelua, kelawa, kelaka, selua. tapi ibu mesti sebut R tu, keluaR, kelawaR, kelakaR, seluaR.'
ouh ouh.... ouh my Bahasa
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