We met last Ramadhan, Hani and I. I don't normally easily agree to meet strangers during the fasting month. Especially when there's work involved. Just me being me - somewhat lazy [the bane of my life!].
Somehow I said "yes" and this young woman came to meet up with me at home, with 2 persons in tow. We sipped coffee while I listened to them. Young folks with unstructured thoughts but brimming with enthusiasm. I liked the enthusiasm. Gave me deja vu :)
The work end didn't work out but a friendship was forged. A strong one for some strange reason. Allah at work!
Yesterday we had iftar together at Hani's place. A small group of folks - 3 long-in-the-tooth and 3 Gen Y. Yet we get along really well. Zul [Hani's other half] and I revel at pulling their legs - me being the nicer one of course! ;)
Faiz, my friend-since-forever, aka the long winded one.
Qayyum - the kid. The creative, artistic one.
Emma - the apple of Qayyum's eye. Easy on our eyes too! Tall, lanky, long hair - you get the drift ;)
Hani - the most hospitable host. Endless supply of coffee and munchies.
Also Zeta and Johntan - Hani's and Zul's "kids". Zeta was somewhat shy, unlike Johntan :)

There was even entertainment! We did CCR, Eric Clapton...old people songs ;)
Simple fare, good company, music, endless coffee, good conversation. Even a bit of business thrown in. Definitely a recipe for successful get togethers.