If you're like me who loves to spend hours watching religious debates/discussions on youtube, you're bound to come across opinions on "Covered vs Exposed". Many non-Muslims, particularly those from the West, find it extremely strange that there are actually women on this planet who loves to "cover up". They prefer to think that we are an oppressed lot....these poor, poor, pitiful Muslim women. More so if you happen to be from a third world country.
These "modern" Western ladies feel compelled to "liberate" us "downtrodden-very-much-under-the-male-thumb" fellow women. You can tell them until you're blue in the face and frothing at the mouth that it is a conscious decision, they'd still think you've been brainwashed by the male mullahs! "Oh, woe the Muslim women! I feeeel for you, sister!", they say - and I smile to myself.
Now, why is it so hard for them to accept that we chose to cover/veil ourselves? I've lived among westerners - when I was very much "westernised" myself. Even then they found me strange. I wasn't one to prance, primp, powder and perfume to attract male attention. Some even inquired as to whether I was "into women"! - the perils of living close to San Francisco I guess. Such a "gay" land ;) The fact that I was always in jeans, shirts and boots, and a smoker to boot didn't help I guess. I had my fair share of "invitations" from both genders. Phew...at least there were those who viewed me as straight!
You'd probably pooh-pooh me when I tell you that it's so liberating to be fully covered. Especially if you've seen my "unplugged" version. Truthfully, I'd never, in my wildest dreams, ever envisioned myself to be so "shrouded". I'll always be thankful to that young man who made me consider a new mode of dress....and to embrace a new lifestyle too.
Why do I feel liberated? Here goes.......
1. I am almost unnoticed in public. As a young woman living a secular lifestyle, there were many times when I got vexed by unwelcome attention from men. The fact that I did a lot of activities all by my lonesome self seemed to be permission for men to intrude into my private space. I guess my habit of smiling at all and sundry didn't help - serves me right! The lines I got.....hmmm.....Sidetrack: A guy once bought me a drink, came up to me after that drink was dutifully served by the bartender, and said, "I love beautiful women". I smiled sweetly back and replied, "Me too!". Little did I know that the band which performed at the place had a large lesbian following because the singer was one. No wonder the poor guy scooted off so fast! Then later I scooted off ultra-fast because the singer took a liking to me!
2. People are extra courteous to me. Even the
"mat rempits". I still haven't lost my "smiling" habit but now it doesn't invite unwelcome attention. Maybe also because I'm in my 50s - who'd bother! It's normal for raucous kids to just hush up when I smile at them whilst walking toward the mall entrance [somehow they love to congregate at mall entrances]. I even get
"Assalamualaikum makcik" along with sweet smiles. One time they even let me through first, one boy literally pulled his friend away from the entrance -
"Bagilah makcik tu jalan dulu. Siallah kau!". The language leaves much to be desired but I do appreciate the gesture.
3. I don't have the slightest dilemma on choosing a "dress" for a function. I dress the same to weddings, funerals, luncheons, class....you get the drift.
4. I don't have to bother about colour schemes since I dress in black most times.
5. I don't have to bother about keeping up to date with fashion trends. Not that I did much of that before!
6. My wardrobe literally "expands" without me having to spend much. Almost EVERYONE gifts me abaya for birthdays and eid!
7. I don't have to bother carrying
telekung with me during outings.
8. I'm hardly bothered by the heat or cold. For some reason dressing in 2 layers of clothing regulates the body temperature.
9. Since hardly anyone notices me, I'm free to not change handbags, slippers, shoes.
10. I lose "undesirable" friends without any effort on my part.
11. I can go up to anyone and talk to them without them eyeing me suspiciously. Then again, I'm in Malaysia and not presumed to be married to a terrorist.
12. I tend to be more careful of my speech and actions. Believe me when I say this is a blessing to the human race!
13. I'm somewhat more ladylike since the abaya doesn't give me the opportunity to stride like I'm late for an appointment with the PM.
14. It matters little when something is spilled onto my abaya - takes very little effort to wash off and dry synthetic material. Spillage was grief during my cotton and linen days!
But the most liberating reason is::: Absolutely noone would know whether I have underwear on or otherwise ;)