Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Anda mahu berkongsi idea, pengalaman, cerita anda dengan orang lain?

Boleh saja kalau anda mahu.
Tepuk dada tanya selera.

Hantarkan cerita anda ke CK Publication (002303577-D).

Yang penting, cerita anda bukanlah sekadar
cerita-cerita kosong sahaja tetapi ada pengisian.

Syarat utama, cerita anda mestilah ada nilai moral positif yang boleh menaikkan semangat pembaca.

CK Publication mengalu-alukan cerita-cerita tidak kira genre yang mampu membuatkan orang menangis, menegakkan bulu roma, ketawa seikhlas hati juga menginsafkan. Tidak kira peringkat usia, tidak kira bangsa, tidak kira latarbelakang, tidak kira tahap pendidikan, asalkan anda ada cerita menarik, hantarkan manuskrip anda ke CK Publication di ceritakosong@gmail.com.

Hantarkan sinopsis cerita anda berserta 5 bab terawal dan 3 bab terakhir. Jangan lupa untuk menyertakan butir-butir peribadi anda juga!

Maklumat penting, karangan anda hendaklah lebih kurang dalam 350 pages A4,
font calibri size 12, double spacing, indent yang standard. Jarak antara perenggan, 2 indent. Jarak antara separator dalam bab, 3 indent. Setiap bab, mulakan di muka surat baharu.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

What freedom??!!

            The Americans have always prided themselves as the Land of Freedom, the land of equality and opportunity. Really?
            On one of my sojourns into the alien world of gardening, I chanced upon a couple of documentaries on food farming - and it's amazing how the Americans, and perhaps most of us in the rest of the world, have very little say in what we put into our mouths. We buy stuff from the supermarkets thinking that these are "healthy" foods...and we wonder why we are plagued by various ailments that were totally alien to our elders of long ago.
            In our endeavour to eat "healthy", we have actually swallowed stuff that gets us to the medical facilities a lot more frequently. We have also inadvertently helped the health insurance business tremendously. We have accepted that falling ill is a way of life - gravely ill I mean.
            Watch this and be horrified......how Monsanto and other "big boys" have controlled the world food market : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVwmgH_99Kc  [for some reason this video "could not be found"] , and the one below on how small time farmers are harassed for providing "real" food to a small segment of the population.

             Then I came across this : http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/is-the-united-states-still-the-land-of-the-free/2012/01/04/gIQAvcD1wP_story.html
            Despite all these, many still look up to America with reverence, always accepting whatever comes out from there as the "best". Malaysians are no exception.
            I guess many of us love to be deceived for as long as life looks rosy :)