Saturday, 31 January 2015

I'm officially OLD!!

      I haven't updated my blog for aeons! Oh time flies when you're having mayhem! Especially when mayhem comes a-visiting when you were about to be officially proclaimed as OLD!
      The good news is:
***I now can get loads of discounts at (certain) restaurants
***youngsters give up their seats on trains
***folks let me cut queues
***most everyone is kind and courteous to me - even the mat rempits
***I get better service at pharmacies. I guess they figure that I'd get more stuff for all kinds of aches and pains!
***I can smile all I want at the cute young men. Talk to them even!
***I can don the same outfit to all functions and noone would be bothered. I bet they wouldn't even notice!
      I wonder why many shudder at the notion of getting old. It's such fun! I can say stuff and folks just laugh them off when I used to get chastised for saying the very same thing. I can talk about my aches and pains endlessly if I want to; it's a most boring conversation piece though I must admit. I can (pretend to) forget and everyone forgives an old woman for this. I can defy the doctors, family, friends....and get away with it.
      I have also come to a phase in my life where my priorities are different. I'd now rather spend time with people I really care for - the ones who make an impact on my life. They either make me reflect, laugh, feel loved, more aware etc. These folks enable me to be nicer to the rest who don't matter much. I don't read newspapers (online or hard copy) and much prefer to get news second/third hand. I stay away from folks who depress me. I keep them in my prayers though. I cook more. I eat healthy(ier). I sleep earlier most days. I walk more. I smoke less. I drink more.
      Yea....being old is good. Beats being dead any time ;)