Tuesday, 10 January 2012

SABAR and...SMILE... :)

"Ijan, don't you get angry?"...I've been asked this countless times. Are you kidding? I'm no angel...OF COURSE  I get angry!! It's just that I don't allow my anger to get the better of me...well...most times. I've learnt to let it flow through me...and to let it go. My secret? hmmm....

1.  I don't take it personally. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Much as I feel like puking at some of these opinions, I take a passive stand. For as long as it's me and only me these opinions are directed at, I'm okay. Try talking bad about my mum and you'd probably make me a murderer!
2.  I ask myself this question, "will this be important on my deathbed?". Most times the answer is "NO"...so I let it pass.
3.  It takes all kinds to make this world...and not everyone uses their mental faculties as well as their mouths. I'm okay with idiots for as long as I don't have to be joined at the hips with them.
4.  I can't "tutup mulut orang". So I "tutup telinga" I. Easy!
5.  I have good, functioning legs...I walk away.
6.  Istighfar banyak-banyak. This really helps.
7.  I smile...and smile...and smile. It's kinda difficult to be angry when you're smiling.
8.  When I'm in a cheeky mood, I'll act the researcher that I am and ask the person to explain in detail every little bit he said about me. That normally shuts him up pretty quick. I'm always grateful for my corporate planning training at these times.
9.  I don't care much about "winning" an argument.

That's it! My secret's out... :)


  1. salam Ijan..
    Nice entry...I memang selalu naik marah but selalu nya kejap jer...kekadang I tutup telinga but mostly I pok pek pok pek jugak.
    Kalau boleh, memang nak diam jer bila dengar pendapat sesaorang tapi rasa nak muntah dalam hati...

    Apa apa pun, sebagai manusia..kena respek la pendapat manusia lain walau pun dengan anak kita...

  2. waalaikumsalam & thanks, ezza. yup...we need to respect everyone's opinion even if we don't agree. dengan anak2 lagilah kena jaga because they will emulate us especially the young ones. kan ada saying, "monkey see monkey do"!
