Saturday, 6 October 2012

Messages :)

      I've been so tempted to give my piece of mind to this hamba Allah of late. So, so very tempted. But something held me back. Also the fact that I didn't, somehow, cross her path much this past week although we live just a stone's throw from each other. I've been kept busy with this and that...which left me exhausted.
      I randomly picked a book from a pile on my dining table. It was La Tahzan. When I read what was written, I knew Allah had sent me a message. 

       jadilah wanita yang selalu bersyukur ketika senang dan bersabar ketika tertimpa musibah. jangan bermimpi hidup di alam khayalan, yang tidak ada sakit, tidak ada kemiskinan, tidak ada kesedihan, suami yang tanpa cela dan teman tanpa aib. perkara seperti ini tidak akan tercapai selamanya.

      oleh itu, pejamkanlah pandangan anda terhadap perkara2 yang negatif, kekeliruan dan kesalahan yg dilakukan oleh orang lain dan tujukanlah pandangan anda hanya pada sisi2 positif lagi baik yang ada pada mereka. tetaplah anda berbaik sangka, berpura2 tidak mengerti dan berpegang teguh hanya pada Allah. jangan sampai anda berpegang pada manusia, kerana sesungguhnya mereka tidak layak untuk dijadikan pegangan dan sandaran dalam menyelesaikan urusan Allah SWT.

      Thank goodness I kept my mouth shut. And I know that I won't be opening it to utter whatever I wanted to utter any time soon. I hope never to do it at all.

       In hindsight, it's actually a blessing. Although I have a mild temperament, my words do tend to sting pretty bad when I let them loose. I'm not known to lose my temper....which actually makes it worse. Because whatever I say, it would be something I've mulled through and through...and decided that I will take all repercussions for saying it.

      It's not about being right. It's about understanding a person's circumstances. It's about "berbaik sangka" even when I know that she loves putting people down. She's just a victim of her emotions, a product of her upbringing. I'm better off making dua for her than than reprimanding her. 

      She's not all bad. But I'm devilish enough to wish that she'd get a severe sore throat for the next two she won't be able to utter a sound...not even a squeak! bad!! I know...I know....berbaik sangka, berlapang dada......astaghfirullahalazim..... 


1 comment:

  1. Kak Ijan,

    Sometimes zinging such person ain't worth it at all. Yes, we may get the 'puas hati, lepas geram' but it still changes nothing. Du'a would be our best bet, and pray that your path does not cross much with her ;)
