Monday, 3 December 2012

I realised.....

I haven't been online much in the last couple of months. Mum had a stroke so much of my time was [and still is] spent on being the 'night nurse' - although I've been granted leave for the past week due to work commitments.

This trying and traumatic time has made me realise:

1.   I can survive pretty well without the 'net'. It just didn't seem as important now as it was before.
2.   who, among those who missed me, actually made an effort to find out if I'm still alive and kicking ;)
3.   I can survive more than adequately on very little food and sleep.
4.   I can live without coffee for days...and not have withdrawal symptoms.
5.   that being in hospital made me smoke a LOT less as I'm too lazy to leave its compound.
6.   that being in an ambulance during an emergency brings on extreme anxiety.
7.   that ambulance drivers are really great drivers.
8.   that doctors DO care.
9.   that nurses are generally patient and caring.
10. that being in an air-conditioned room for 2 days and not showering gives me nosebleed.
11. that prayers are answered in the most amazing ways.
12. that mum is one determined lady even in ill health.
13. that I can cry at the drop of a hat.
14. that I am capable of putting my heart and soul into a 'doa'.
15. that I still appear calm and controlled even when I'm shaking inside.
16. that my younger brother and sister are my 'comrades'.
17. that my twin daughters are excellent nurses.
18. I know next to nothing about stroke and the after care for stroke victims.
19. I still get the jitters from the sound of ambulance sirens.
20. Gleneagles is a great hospital. So is Hospital Ampang.
21. the food at both hospitals are pretty yummy.
22. reciting 'rabbi yassir....' does get me good parking spots.
23. there is a need for courses on what to say and do when visiting gravely ill patients.
24. the formula that mum feeds on is yucky! A good thing she doesn't get to taste it!
25. one gets to learn many new skills - like changing bed linen without having to lift a person out of bed
26. mum does 'rebel' - albeit in a 'quiet' way ;)
27. it is possible to sleep on a straight-backed chair.
28. that I can ignore an untidy and un-vacuumed flat quite effortlessly [I still haven't cleaned it].
29. there are many generous, kind and caring people in this world.
30. what 'walking on air' means.


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