Thursday, 29 August 2013
Apa takut???
Apa yang kamu takut sangat dengan kami yang berpegang teguh kepada ini?
Yang majoritinya dari negara yang kurang maju.
Yang ekonominya rapuh.
Yang matawangnya tidak mampu menggugat kamu.
Yang rakyatnya ramai yang tidak faham pun bahasa kamu.
Yang kami ada, yang kami teguh berpegang, yang kami yakin dan percaya, hanyalah sebuah kitab.
Yang tidak bertukar walau setitik pun tandanya selama lebih 1400 tahun.
Yang dihafal oleh ramai diantara kami setiap hari.
Itu saja senjata kami.
Sebuah kitab yang membina segunung iman.
In syaa Allah.
Kerana yakin dengan janji2 didalamnya, kami berani mati!
Adakah mungkin...INI yang kamu takuti???
Kami berani mati hari ini!
Kamu pula mahu hidup seribu tahun lagi.......
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Baru-baru ni kami sekeluarga keluar pergi menonton wayang. Rasanya dah lama sangat tak menonton wayang, bertahun! Last, tengok Avatar.
Baru-baru ni kami tengok The Conjuring. Anak saya yang kecil tu, yang umur 7 tahun diseludupkan masuk ke panggung. The Conjuring tu memang hanya untuk 18sg. tapi masalahnya, nak tinggalkan dia dengan siapa?
So, kami pun masuk panggung, kami dah briefed dia, ni cerita ahli sihir. takut! banyak terkejut!
NAMUN... yang banyak terkejut tu, saya! Mak nya ni! Si kecik tu, selamba je tengok wayang sambil makan popcorn. Katanya tak takut sebab bukan tengok hantu sebenar.
Huhuhu, memang tak memberi kesan kepada dia.
Well, i think it is because cerita tu cerita omputih, dia tak faham english sangat kecuali good morning dan yang sewaktu dengannya. Selain dari itu, cerita tu adalah dari pandangan si pengubat, bukan dari pandangan victim.
Tak apa nak, lain kali mommy bawak tengok cerita kartun, seperti Dora the explorer. Barulah boleh connect, kan.
hahaha, my mistake.
Baru-baru ni kami tengok The Conjuring. Anak saya yang kecil tu, yang umur 7 tahun diseludupkan masuk ke panggung. The Conjuring tu memang hanya untuk 18sg. tapi masalahnya, nak tinggalkan dia dengan siapa?
So, kami pun masuk panggung, kami dah briefed dia, ni cerita ahli sihir. takut! banyak terkejut!
NAMUN... yang banyak terkejut tu, saya! Mak nya ni! Si kecik tu, selamba je tengok wayang sambil makan popcorn. Katanya tak takut sebab bukan tengok hantu sebenar.
Huhuhu, memang tak memberi kesan kepada dia.
Well, i think it is because cerita tu cerita omputih, dia tak faham english sangat kecuali good morning dan yang sewaktu dengannya. Selain dari itu, cerita tu adalah dari pandangan si pengubat, bukan dari pandangan victim.
Tak apa nak, lain kali mommy bawak tengok cerita kartun, seperti Dora the explorer. Barulah boleh connect, kan.
hahaha, my mistake.
Monday, 26 August 2013
Minta aja...from Allah :)
I love the concept of "Allah knows what's in your heart - but He still loves to hear you ask for whatever it is you want." And asking favours from Him is so easy. Cakap aja sure dapat. Cuma...mungkin not in the way you'd like. Or expect. But you'll get whatever is good for that particular point in time.
This has happened to me countless times. The most recent being just a couple of days ago. Just as I planned on my course of actions for the next few weeks [on a venture I was exploring], I got the entire thing handed to me on a plate. By the most unexpected route. During a social occassion - with business being the furthest from my mind. Without me having to raise a single cent. Simply amazing!
Thank You, ya Allah! You have risen to the occassion...gloriously....yet again!
Yet...there are many I know who refuses or fail to ask from Him, whilst doing everything possible to realise their wants and needs. Then they sigh. And moan. And groan. Ada yang play the blame game. Ada yang menceceh sana sini sampai tak larat telinga nak dengar. Tapi tak nak spend some time mengadu domba denganNya. Pelik manusia ni lah! Sanggup bayar call charges instead of using the FOC direct line.
One thing I've noticed is that Allah always gives more than I expected. I'm a planner - limited by my grey matter and other resources. And I accept this. And I unabashedly's easy after all ;)
This has happened to me countless times. The most recent being just a couple of days ago. Just as I planned on my course of actions for the next few weeks [on a venture I was exploring], I got the entire thing handed to me on a plate. By the most unexpected route. During a social occassion - with business being the furthest from my mind. Without me having to raise a single cent. Simply amazing!
Thank You, ya Allah! You have risen to the occassion...gloriously....yet again!
Yet...there are many I know who refuses or fail to ask from Him, whilst doing everything possible to realise their wants and needs. Then they sigh. And moan. And groan. Ada yang play the blame game. Ada yang menceceh sana sini sampai tak larat telinga nak dengar. Tapi tak nak spend some time mengadu domba denganNya. Pelik manusia ni lah! Sanggup bayar call charges instead of using the FOC direct line.
One thing I've noticed is that Allah always gives more than I expected. I'm a planner - limited by my grey matter and other resources. And I accept this. And I unabashedly's easy after all ;)
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Muslims: stand up and be counted!
Everyday I see pictures of more dead bodies. Only this time it's different. Children and women, both young and old, are regarded as enemies....and exterminated. Like pests. Every rule of engagement blatantly flouted.
Shame on you, Assad!
Shame on you, Mansour!
Thumbs up, Erdogan!
Wither art thou, the rest of the Muslim leaders?? Speak up! Whimpers can't be heard over the sound of gunfire for heaven's sake! Burma...and anywhere else where they are treated inhumanely.
I wish I could do more :'(
Shame on you, Assad!
Shame on you, Mansour!
Thumbs up, Erdogan!
Wither art thou, the rest of the Muslim leaders?? Speak up! Whimpers can't be heard over the sound of gunfire for heaven's sake! Burma...and anywhere else where they are treated inhumanely.
I wish I could do more :'(
on Takdir - some weird concepts.....
I remember a discussion a few of us had years ago. 5 Muslims sitting at a table in a place where good Muslims wouldn't dream of setting foot in. I was the only woman there - at least, the only woman "brave" enough to be in the discussion.
There was Mr Millionaire Hot Shot Engineer and his entourage of Mr Sidekick who called him God and Mr Business Partner . Then there was Mr Champion Pool Player, Mr Private Banker and me. It was after midnight and we were having a bite before going home.
Mr Millionaire Hot Shot Engineer [MHSE] started it all.
MHSE: "You know...if our takdir is already written, then why bother doing anything? We can't change it."
Me : "What do you mean?"
MHSE: "Yelah. Takdir is fixed kan. So we don't have to do anything lah since we can't change it."
Mr Champion Pool Player [CPP] jumped into the conversation with, "Betullah. But, mana kita tau what our takdir is. So kita kena berusaha."
MHSE: "Why bother to do anything if it's already fixed?"
Mr Sidekick [MS] nodded and quipped, "True. But we should still go ahead and do whatever we think is right for us."
Me : "And what IS right for us? What yardstick are we using to gauge right and wrong here?"
MHSE: "Normal yardstick that people use lah. We all know the definition of right and wrong kan."
Me : "Then are we doing the right things you think? All these things that we do regularly?"
Mr Business Partner [BP] remarked, "Kita bukan kacau orang pun!"
Me : "Does that make it right? Look, I'm Muslim. I know what I'm doing is wrong. Kacau orang ke tak kacau orang ke is besides the point. It's wrong by God. My yardstick is God."
CPP : "Alah we're not as bad as some others."
Me : "Ish kalau nak compare dengan those who are more haprak than us then we're doomed! Why not compare with those who are wayyy better than us? At least, takder loser sangat kita ni."
MHSE: "But ini takdir kita apa."
Me : "God sent you your file in Lauh Mafuz is it? How come I didn't get mine?"
BP : "Eh relaxlah!"
Me : "Relax apabenda! This is not something you play at. I refuse to accept that God throws me into this world just to amuse Himself."
MHSE: "I still think it's our takdir."
Me : "Then what's the point of berdoa? What's the point of doing good? I STILL refuse to believe that Allah sent us here just to prance around doing whatever our hearts desire, then die. Mesti ada purpose kan. Otherwise apasal ada Quran, ada hadith?"
MHSE: "You tak tau takdir you kan. You may be destined for hell for all you know."
Me : "If I die right this minute, I'm pretty sure I'll end up in hell. Nauzubillahminzalik. Okay I'll play along with you. Why do you work so hard to get the things you want if sudah ditakdirkan you jadi millionaire? Why are you always chasing the next big job? Apasal you tak duduk aja kat rumah and tunggu bungalow you, BMW you etc datang aja kat depan you?"
MHSE: "Of courselah kena do something if I nak senang."
Me : "So...samalah juga if you want to get to heaven. Kenalah do something. Pray, fast, bayar zakat blablabla....kan!"
MS : "Ya...but our takdir is still fixed. We may work our butts off and still be fakir miskin."
Me : "Agree! Sebab kita tak tau takdir kitalah we have to do everything possible to get whatever we want. Bukan like he said, tak payah buat apa-apa."
CPP : "You guys are so seriouslah."
Me : "It is a serious matter pun. Look...if I do nothing but sleep and eat for a whole year, I'd still be a year older. But would I still have a job you think? Can I put it down to takdir that I'm jobless?"
MS : "Alah! That's just being stupid!"
Me : "Tau pun stupid! So mesti ada effort kan? I rest my case. Allah is not cruellah suka-suka hati nak tulis bukan-bukan kat file kita kat Lauh Mafuz tu."
MHSE: " win."
Me : "Eh...this is not about winning tau. This is about faith. I may be a lot of things...but I don't fool around with faith."
There was Mr Millionaire Hot Shot Engineer and his entourage of Mr Sidekick who called him God and Mr Business Partner . Then there was Mr Champion Pool Player, Mr Private Banker and me. It was after midnight and we were having a bite before going home.
Mr Millionaire Hot Shot Engineer [MHSE] started it all.
MHSE: "You know...if our takdir is already written, then why bother doing anything? We can't change it."
Me : "What do you mean?"
MHSE: "Yelah. Takdir is fixed kan. So we don't have to do anything lah since we can't change it."
Mr Champion Pool Player [CPP] jumped into the conversation with, "Betullah. But, mana kita tau what our takdir is. So kita kena berusaha."
MHSE: "Why bother to do anything if it's already fixed?"
Mr Sidekick [MS] nodded and quipped, "True. But we should still go ahead and do whatever we think is right for us."
Me : "And what IS right for us? What yardstick are we using to gauge right and wrong here?"
MHSE: "Normal yardstick that people use lah. We all know the definition of right and wrong kan."
Me : "Then are we doing the right things you think? All these things that we do regularly?"
Mr Business Partner [BP] remarked, "Kita bukan kacau orang pun!"
Me : "Does that make it right? Look, I'm Muslim. I know what I'm doing is wrong. Kacau orang ke tak kacau orang ke is besides the point. It's wrong by God. My yardstick is God."
CPP : "Alah we're not as bad as some others."
Me : "Ish kalau nak compare dengan those who are more haprak than us then we're doomed! Why not compare with those who are wayyy better than us? At least, takder loser sangat kita ni."
MHSE: "But ini takdir kita apa."
Me : "God sent you your file in Lauh Mafuz is it? How come I didn't get mine?"
BP : "Eh relaxlah!"
Me : "Relax apabenda! This is not something you play at. I refuse to accept that God throws me into this world just to amuse Himself."
MHSE: "I still think it's our takdir."
Me : "Then what's the point of berdoa? What's the point of doing good? I STILL refuse to believe that Allah sent us here just to prance around doing whatever our hearts desire, then die. Mesti ada purpose kan. Otherwise apasal ada Quran, ada hadith?"
MHSE: "You tak tau takdir you kan. You may be destined for hell for all you know."
Me : "If I die right this minute, I'm pretty sure I'll end up in hell. Nauzubillahminzalik. Okay I'll play along with you. Why do you work so hard to get the things you want if sudah ditakdirkan you jadi millionaire? Why are you always chasing the next big job? Apasal you tak duduk aja kat rumah and tunggu bungalow you, BMW you etc datang aja kat depan you?"
MHSE: "Of courselah kena do something if I nak senang."
Me : "So...samalah juga if you want to get to heaven. Kenalah do something. Pray, fast, bayar zakat blablabla....kan!"
MS : "Ya...but our takdir is still fixed. We may work our butts off and still be fakir miskin."
Me : "Agree! Sebab kita tak tau takdir kitalah we have to do everything possible to get whatever we want. Bukan like he said, tak payah buat apa-apa."
CPP : "You guys are so seriouslah."
Me : "It is a serious matter pun. Look...if I do nothing but sleep and eat for a whole year, I'd still be a year older. But would I still have a job you think? Can I put it down to takdir that I'm jobless?"
MS : "Alah! That's just being stupid!"
Me : "Tau pun stupid! So mesti ada effort kan? I rest my case. Allah is not cruellah suka-suka hati nak tulis bukan-bukan kat file kita kat Lauh Mafuz tu."
MHSE: " win."
Me : "Eh...this is not about winning tau. This is about faith. I may be a lot of things...but I don't fool around with faith."
Monday, 19 August 2013
An intriguing movie indeed
I watched a movie recommended by my son. There sat 8 people in a bare living room - 7 senior college professors and a student. The central figure was a man who claimed he had lived for 14000 years.
It was a really interesting movie. It explored the human psyche - that people will believe in only what is known and proven to them. People are generally scared stiff of the unknown....or whatever is beyond their logic to fathom.
Many folks require scientific proof of everything in order to believe. Same for these folks in the movie - they needed proof that God exists.
Personally I find it liberating to just have faith that Allah exists. That He did whatever He said He did in the Quran. I don't require it proven. I see many things that man could never do. So I believe that there's a mightier force - way mightier than man, and He's the force who created all these things. And I leave it at that. Perfectly contented to accept His existence. No stress. No questions. Absolute acceptance.
So maybe I'm lazy. Maybe some will say that I don't challenge my intelligence. I'm okay with that. I love asking questions. But not on stuff that has no impact on my day to day activities or my believe system. I remember a lecture on people of the cave [al-Kahfi]. And the speaker saying, "Does it matter what colour shirts those guys were wearing? Does knowing this improve your faith?"
I see folks struggling to find faith. Always asking for proof. There's even a friend who wants God himself to speak to him. Yet he doesn't want to go all out to find God. You can him everything there is to tell and he wouldn't believe.
Same for the folks in this movie. One believed that anything is possible. Another died when he discovered the central character was telling the truth. Most of the rest were happy to accept that it was all a grand play of one man's imagination. And a lady who knew it was the truth and accepted it peaceably.
Watch this and be intrigued......
It was a really interesting movie. It explored the human psyche - that people will believe in only what is known and proven to them. People are generally scared stiff of the unknown....or whatever is beyond their logic to fathom.
Many folks require scientific proof of everything in order to believe. Same for these folks in the movie - they needed proof that God exists.
Personally I find it liberating to just have faith that Allah exists. That He did whatever He said He did in the Quran. I don't require it proven. I see many things that man could never do. So I believe that there's a mightier force - way mightier than man, and He's the force who created all these things. And I leave it at that. Perfectly contented to accept His existence. No stress. No questions. Absolute acceptance.
So maybe I'm lazy. Maybe some will say that I don't challenge my intelligence. I'm okay with that. I love asking questions. But not on stuff that has no impact on my day to day activities or my believe system. I remember a lecture on people of the cave [al-Kahfi]. And the speaker saying, "Does it matter what colour shirts those guys were wearing? Does knowing this improve your faith?"
I see folks struggling to find faith. Always asking for proof. There's even a friend who wants God himself to speak to him. Yet he doesn't want to go all out to find God. You can him everything there is to tell and he wouldn't believe.
Same for the folks in this movie. One believed that anything is possible. Another died when he discovered the central character was telling the truth. Most of the rest were happy to accept that it was all a grand play of one man's imagination. And a lady who knew it was the truth and accepted it peaceably.
Watch this and be intrigued......
Sunday, 18 August 2013
of Muslimah fashion....
I came across an article featuring a muslimah fashion show. I wondered what the designers were thinking of when they came up with those designs.
Sure - the clothes covered the curves beautifully. And therein lies the problem. The curves are also on show.
Colouful outfits. Some in layers. Some bedecked in glitters...all a-bling-bling. Some cinched at the waist - others at the empire line. Fabric so fine they lovingly and faithfully hug the curves....leaving nothing to the imagination.
The head covering is another story altogether.
And they call this muslimah fashion.
I'm not saying that all muslimah should be shrouded in black from head to toe. Just that whatever a muslimah chooses to garb herself in, it shouldn't give any hint of her curves. Or draw attention like a neon lighted signboard.
Modesty....that's what's required of us. It means......
mod·es·ty (m
The designers need to take this challenge to design creations that "fits to a T". Not take the easy way out and pass off maxi dresses as muslimah outfits :)
Sure - the clothes covered the curves beautifully. And therein lies the problem. The curves are also on show.
Colouful outfits. Some in layers. Some bedecked in glitters...all a-bling-bling. Some cinched at the waist - others at the empire line. Fabric so fine they lovingly and faithfully hug the curves....leaving nothing to the imagination.
The head covering is another story altogether.
And they call this muslimah fashion.
I'm not saying that all muslimah should be shrouded in black from head to toe. Just that whatever a muslimah chooses to garb herself in, it shouldn't give any hint of her curves. Or draw attention like a neon lighted signboard.
Modesty....that's what's required of us. It means......
mod·es·ty (m
1. The state or quality of being modest.
2. Reserve or propriety in speech, dress, or behavior.
3. Lack of pretentiousness; simplicity.
The adjective of which is......
mod·est (m
1. Having or showing a moderate estimation of one's own talents, abilities, and value.
2. Having or proceeding from a disinclination to call attention to oneself; retiring or diffident. See Synonyms at shy1.
3. Observing conventional proprieties in speech, behavior, or dress.
4. Free from showiness or ostentation; unpretentious. See Synonyms at plain.
5. Moderate or limited in size, quantity, or range; not extreme: a modest price; a newspaper with a modest circulation.
The designers need to take this challenge to design creations that "fits to a T". Not take the easy way out and pass off maxi dresses as muslimah outfits :)
Monday, 12 August 2013
PRU13 - the aftermath...on a personal front
I was never much into politics. Still not much into it now too. Maybe just a little more attentive than before.
I still am not into newspapers - regardless of whose publication it is. Too pessimistic. Too filled with complaints, whines, groans, moans. Definitely not my recipe for a good start to the day. But I'll still click whatever links are posted on fb. I figure I could tolerate moderate doses of slime and grime.....
In the aftermath to the much awaited PRU13, I have to say:
1. I'm glad it's all over;
2. I'm glad BN won despite all adversities;
3. I'm glad that the rakyat is more open to speaking up [eventhough some opinions make me nauseous/roll my eyes]. At least I get a glimpse into the myriad personalities that make up my fellow Malaysians;
4. I'm glad to discover there are fair-minded, level-headed rakyat out there whose views aren't clouded with party affiliations;
5. I'm glad to forge new friendships with people I don't even know from Adam just because we agree to opine courteously - thanks to social networking;
6. I'm glad for the opportunity to agree to disagree and yet remain civil;
7. I'm glad for relationships taken to a "closer" level with certain individuals in my life - I get an insight into why they support whomever they support;
8. I'm glad there was no May 13th like incident;
9. I'm glad that despite all the rascism etc rampant in the tabloids and social networks, out there in the real world [at least in mine], all is hunky-dory among the many ethnic races;
10. I'm glad for aidilfitri which gives respite to all that strife and fosters goodwill - even if it's only for a while;
11. I'm glad that people are generally still kind to each other despite their differences. I've yet to hear of folks asking about party affiliations before they assist!
There are many things we aren't happy about. But that doesn't mean we should complain incessantly and blame the powers that be about every single thing that goes wrong with our lives. It's amazing what people bitch about these days!
I do have my wishlist with regards to the ruling party. I'm not blind to their shortcomings. And I'm sending out prayers that they wouldn't continue blinding themselves to these. They can't continue pushing their luck at every quarter.
There'll be PRU14 in a few years where I'll get to exercise my right again, God willing....So buck up BN and deliver your promises!
I still am not into newspapers - regardless of whose publication it is. Too pessimistic. Too filled with complaints, whines, groans, moans. Definitely not my recipe for a good start to the day. But I'll still click whatever links are posted on fb. I figure I could tolerate moderate doses of slime and grime.....
In the aftermath to the much awaited PRU13, I have to say:
1. I'm glad it's all over;
2. I'm glad BN won despite all adversities;
3. I'm glad that the rakyat is more open to speaking up [eventhough some opinions make me nauseous/roll my eyes]. At least I get a glimpse into the myriad personalities that make up my fellow Malaysians;
4. I'm glad to discover there are fair-minded, level-headed rakyat out there whose views aren't clouded with party affiliations;
5. I'm glad to forge new friendships with people I don't even know from Adam just because we agree to opine courteously - thanks to social networking;
6. I'm glad for the opportunity to agree to disagree and yet remain civil;
7. I'm glad for relationships taken to a "closer" level with certain individuals in my life - I get an insight into why they support whomever they support;
8. I'm glad there was no May 13th like incident;
9. I'm glad that despite all the rascism etc rampant in the tabloids and social networks, out there in the real world [at least in mine], all is hunky-dory among the many ethnic races;
10. I'm glad for aidilfitri which gives respite to all that strife and fosters goodwill - even if it's only for a while;
11. I'm glad that people are generally still kind to each other despite their differences. I've yet to hear of folks asking about party affiliations before they assist!
There are many things we aren't happy about. But that doesn't mean we should complain incessantly and blame the powers that be about every single thing that goes wrong with our lives. It's amazing what people bitch about these days!
I do have my wishlist with regards to the ruling party. I'm not blind to their shortcomings. And I'm sending out prayers that they wouldn't continue blinding themselves to these. They can't continue pushing their luck at every quarter.
There'll be PRU14 in a few years where I'll get to exercise my right again, God willing....So buck up BN and deliver your promises!
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Aidilfitri 2013 at No30
No one seemed to know the programme for the next day. Or what the raya spread would be. I guess no one really cared. We know there'd be food on the table....courtesy of Naan Corner.
Goes to show that when the matriach is down, the aidilfitri spirit isn't the same as previous years. But we had a great time all the same....albeit on a much smaller scale :) Alhamdulillah.......
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Mak flanked by Shasha [left] and Ani |
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Gen Y and the Internet Generation |
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Zara and Iza |
Darimi, Iskandar and baby Khadeeja all looking gorgeous.
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Part of the "Retro Gang" |

Saturday, 3 August 2013
Did someone cry wolf??
Increased reward now: RM50,000 REWARD. 五万奖令吉金
RM50,000 will be given to the FIRST person who can come forward and give us evidence of at least TWO (2) official vote-counting centre that had experienced electricity blackouts during polling/voting day on 5th May 2013 during the 13th General Elections of Malaysia.
Winner must provide definite proof that the blackouts did indeed happen at two separate vote counting locations and have disrupted the vote counting process.
Hundreds of thousands of people came out for Blackout 505 rallies in May and June. But until now, no one could tell me where the blackouts were that significantly affected the voting results on Polling day 505, last General Elections. Some say Bentong. Gelang Petah, Lembah Pantai.. Some suggest Labis.
But exactly where? Can someone help? Please claim the RM50,000 reward. 100% guaranteed.
Reward is kindly sponsored by :
Clement Lee -
Lim Sian See -
.. and the Mindless Pakatan Zombie page.
Note: This award was increased form RM10k to RM50k due to new contributors. Much appreciation to them.
We are NOT Malaysian Zombies posted the above post PRU13.
A few good Samaritans pooled their hard earned dollars to get at the truth. From an initial RM10,000 reward, it has now ballooned to RM50,000.
BUT....there are still NO TAKERS!! I'm baffled. I would think that those who caught the blackout on camera would jump at this opportunity to showcase the election commission's "crime". They seemed so sure that it happened. They seemed so sure that BN was all out to "get them". They seemed so sure that the EC was in cahoots with BN to kick them out of the running.
A lot of water has passed under the bridge since 505. Blackouts were rampant - in rallies and attire down to fb profile pics. Moaning and mourning.....
It gets me the blackout as real as the 40,000 Bangla voters?
Did someone initiate a "cry wolf" campaign?
Curiouser and curiouser.........
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Syawal is around the corner....
I noticed that my family and friends aren't as frantic with Syawal preparations this year. Most everyone seems so laid-back and cool about it all. I hardly saw postings of new curtains, clothes, kuih muih [cookies] and the like. It's almost like folks are drained after all that PRU13 excitement!
Even the malls I went to were rather quiet. Hardly any jostling around. I don't hear people complaining about the shortage of sugar - a common occurrence come Ramadhan. Then again, it could just be me who is blind to whatever goes on around me! Since I hardly manage to finish a kilo of sugar every quarter, what would I know right!
I don't bake cookies. Or buy curtains. Or shop for new clothes or shoes. Even in years past. My "baju raya" are normally gifts from family and friends. I'm so blessed!
Since mum is indisposed this year, chances are there'll be no cooking done. It feels strange when there's no talk of wajik or nasi impit or kuah lodeh. Wonder what the family will get up to come malam raya.
Maybe I should get 100 tea candles and light up my corridor :) I've always loved the pelita raya of my younger days. My brothers would erect stands to hang them - all around our compound. The entire kampung comes alive come malam tujuh lekor. Us kids would go round the kampung to admire the lights - which comes in glass bottles, tin cans, even bamboo. Mum would always dress us girls in special raya eve outfits which she sewed herself.
Now it's mostly fairy lights and those fancy twinkling and star/ketupat-shaped ones. I no longer sight the makciks busy making bahulu, kuih ros, kacang atom and such like delicacies. No stopping by their homes to "menyebuk" - in the guise of helping. No more of mum's "kawah" cooking. No more pre-raya sampling of the neighbours' goodies.
I guess the new breed of corporate ladies turned moms and grandmas just ain't up to celebrating hari raya the way our moms and grandmas did........
Even the malls I went to were rather quiet. Hardly any jostling around. I don't hear people complaining about the shortage of sugar - a common occurrence come Ramadhan. Then again, it could just be me who is blind to whatever goes on around me! Since I hardly manage to finish a kilo of sugar every quarter, what would I know right!
I don't bake cookies. Or buy curtains. Or shop for new clothes or shoes. Even in years past. My "baju raya" are normally gifts from family and friends. I'm so blessed!
Since mum is indisposed this year, chances are there'll be no cooking done. It feels strange when there's no talk of wajik or nasi impit or kuah lodeh. Wonder what the family will get up to come malam raya.
Maybe I should get 100 tea candles and light up my corridor :) I've always loved the pelita raya of my younger days. My brothers would erect stands to hang them - all around our compound. The entire kampung comes alive come malam tujuh lekor. Us kids would go round the kampung to admire the lights - which comes in glass bottles, tin cans, even bamboo. Mum would always dress us girls in special raya eve outfits which she sewed herself.
Now it's mostly fairy lights and those fancy twinkling and star/ketupat-shaped ones. I no longer sight the makciks busy making bahulu, kuih ros, kacang atom and such like delicacies. No stopping by their homes to "menyebuk" - in the guise of helping. No more of mum's "kawah" cooking. No more pre-raya sampling of the neighbours' goodies.
I guess the new breed of corporate ladies turned moms and grandmas just ain't up to celebrating hari raya the way our moms and grandmas did........
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