Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Muslims: stand up and be counted!

            Everyday I see pictures of more dead bodies. Only this time it's different. Children and women, both young and old, are regarded as enemies....and exterminated. Like pests. Every rule of engagement blatantly flouted.

            Shame on you, Assad!
            Shame on you, Mansour!
            Thumbs up, Erdogan!
            Wither art thou, the rest of the Muslim leaders?? Speak up! Whimpers can't be heard over the sound of gunfire for heaven's sake! Burma...and anywhere else where they are treated inhumanely.        
            I wish I could do more  :'(

1 comment:

  1. yang membunuh tu bukan nya orang lain,orang syria gak...Asad tu dah gila tak da dah perasaan terhadap rakyat sendiri. Jiran2 negara islam dok pandang sebelah mata jer.tak terfikir ker dalam hati yang negara mereka maybe 'next'...

    Malu dan sedih melihat segala kemusnahan yang berlaku ini di buat oleh tangan tangan islam sendiri....Saya hanya mampu berdoa agar siang malam agar umat islam bersatu ...dan menolong sekadar yang mampu..
