Sunday, 2 March 2014

The New "Normal"

1.    not look at the sky - too busy with looking down at gadgets
2.    not look and talk to people - too busy looking down at gadgets
3.    to not kiss the hands of older folks - pull hand toward forehead instead
4.    to talk back to older folks
5.    kids decide where to dine, vacation etc
6.    pets are better at responding when their names are called
7.    to drive to the corner store 60m away
8.    to be frequently sick
9.    to congregate at malls
10.  not know our neighbours
11.  life without the internet is akin to armageddon
12.  to whine about anything and everything
13.  the young are perpetually bored
14.  internet savvy senior citizens and pre-schoolers
15.  feel "funny" leaving home without cellular phones
16.  restaurants having the best "home-cooked" food
17.  high, super-high front gates
18.  no dropping by someone's home unannounced
19.  contracting cancer and other serious ailments
20.  almost everything we eat comes from a shop of some sort
21.  washing clothes by hand
22.  parents paying for kids' cars/homes/holidays - even when they have jobs
23.  parents sent to old folks homes
24.  Muslims committing suicide
25.  ladies in hijab and abaya
26.  guys in jubah and serban
27.  young ustaz and ustazah
28.  interacting more on facebook than in real life
29.  texting a person in the next room, across a table etc
30.  blaming BN for every single thing that goes wrong in the nation

1 comment:

  1. Like no.3 ...even my kids do biasa la.....kpd yg hanya menilai mengikut hati & perut.
