Wednesday, 27 July 2011


“Habis…you sukalah poligami?”
“Siapa kata I suka?”
Then yang you cakap biarlah men berpoligami tu?”
What has it got to do with “suka”?”
“Habis…why do you always say that you okay aje?”
“Bukan sebab I suka”
If I call myself a muslim and that’s God’s law…who am I to say I “suka” ke “tak suka”?”
Dia terdiam terkelip-kelip memandang aku.
“Dah Allah ta’ala benarkan. I “suka” “tak suka” don’t matter. I don’t want to stand before Him on the day of reckoning and cakap, “Ya Allah, I didn’t like that particular law of Yours so I tak nak ikut. Tulah why I created a lot of fuss!” Berani??”
Dia terus membisu.
I don’t know about you but I tak berani. No way!! So if dia orang nak kahwin 2, 3, 4 ke lantaklah depa. Bukan I yang nak menjawab. Husband I tetap sorang je. Dia yang pening ada ramai wives!
Dia tunduk. Lama. Aku diam aje.
She signed the consent form. She even attended the akad. She’s still working on coming to terms with sharing……


  1. wow...slalu orang lupa part nih kan mommy?
    terlalu emosional sampai lupa yang ia kait mengait dengan hukum agama..

    n betul, yang menjawab nanti laki tuh kalo dia tak adil ke kan...

  2. ya, boy...orang selalu lupa benda2 yang basic/fundamental...suka sangat mengikut ego :(
