Monday, 28 January 2013

my prayer for the young......

          Dear Allah,

   1.    please take very good care of these fragile hearts. They take everything so seriously. They feel that pimples, being ignored, being rejected by the popular kids at school etc to be the end of their world.
   2.    please help them keep their faith in You. They are so in awe of K-pop, Aaron Aziz, Lisa Surihani, the Twilight stars etc to the point of worship.
   3.    please make them see that they are unique and beautiful in their own way. They so try to emulate their idols that they want to look like them, talk like them, live like them. Let them see that these people have insecurities too - just like them.
   4.   please keep them safe on the ethernet. The internet is filled with predators disguised as the nicest kid on the block. Let them be able to tell the difference. Let them not go to meet their "internet friends" unaccompanied by someone with a level head and good instincts.
   5.   please let them realise that school, homework, mum's nagging, uniforms etc are meant to keep them grounded. To learn responsibility. To let them know that dad, mum, teacher won't be around forever to look out for them. That they'd have to take care of themselves at one point in their lives.
   6.   please let them see the wisdom of keeping themselves adequately covered. That things kept under wraps are mysterious and alluring. That when you flaunt all you've got, what's there left to discover.
   7.   please kindle their interest in cooking. Let them discover the whole wide world of recipes and producing/creating dishes to die for. That this is a grand skill to acquire. So they won't be dependent on fast food, mamak food, other people's cooking for the rest of their lives.
   8.   please let them learn patience and perseverance. Let them discover that these two character traits will help them go through life with a smile on their faces most times.
   9.   please let them learn that to be kind and compassionate is cool. So they won't taunt others. So they'd be in touch with their inner selves. So they'd realise that the sun doesn't rise and set on their heads.So they'd know that they share this blessed earth with more than 6 billion others.
 10.   please let them realise that being famous isn't as much fun as they think. That it comes with a lot of hard work, sacrifice, heartache.

         They are the adults of the future. Let them be the kind that benefits all those around them and beyond. Let them discover the intrinsic side of "beautiful". Let them embrace live with a zest and appreciation that surpasses previous generations.
          Amiiiin...... :)

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