Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan
Kesetiaan Kepada Raja Dan Negara
Keluhuran Perlembagaan
Kedaulatan Undang-undang
Kesopanan Dan Kesusilaan
I have consumed loaves of Gardenia bread. Have been buying this since it was first introduced into our market. But it was only yesterday that I noticed that the Rukunegara is printed on its wrapper. Hmmm...goes to show how observant I am!!
It got me thinking that almost everything that the Rukunegara embraces has eroded over the years. It was introduced when I was in primary school. I remember having to memorise it since we had to chant it during Monday morning assembly. The teachers probably explained it to us but it meant nothing to us then because everyone I knew had a religion albeit different, kings and sultans were just...well...kings and sultans and had no impact on our young lives, we didn't know anything about "perlembagaan" and "undang-undang" except for the ones enforced on us at home and at school, and most of us were polite and courteous to each other.
We didn't have 1Malaysia. Instead we had "Muhibbah" - there was a song to go along with that:
Muhibbah Muhibbah
Itulah amalan kita semua
Muhibbah Muhibbah
Sejak sedari zaman purbakala
Tunaikanlah ikrar
Satu nusa satu bangsa merdeka
Satu loghat dan satu suara
Dalam Malaysia jaya
Junjung tinggi cita-cita bangsa
Hormatilah perlembagaanya
Marilah kita berganding tangan
Hapuskanlah jurang perbezaan
Muhibbah Muhibbah
Gema bersatu padu satu bangsa
Negarakan makmur bahagia
Dalam Malaysia jaya
If you remember this song then you're definitely my peer! Had to sing this at Monday morning assembly, too, aside from Negaraku and the Selangor state song (there was no Wilayah Persekutuan then). We sure did a lot of singing then it seems. And we were very "muhibbah". My closest friends were Yuhanis Yusoff, Bhajan Kaur and Cheah Yew Sim...definitely the epitome of "muhibbah". We also had civic lessons to further enforce the "kesopanan dan kesusilaan". We didn't define people by race. People were just people and there were those who were different from us in terms of culture etc but we were big deal. In fact, we couldn't tell the rich kids from the less privileged - it didn't bother us one whit anyway. Friends were friends and foes were foes...all very had nothing to do with family background, social status etc. Life was a lot simpler then.
Now religion (or lack off) is a big issue. Everyone's screaming at each other...those with faith of some sort, agnostics, atheists and variations of these. Everyone wants to be heard and almost noone wants to listen. Many scream insults at each other endlessly....sigh....Now we have racism. People just don't trust and respect each other much anymore. And they also don't trust the "keluhuran perlembagaan". People pooh-pooh the "kedaulatan undang-undang". "Kesetiaan Kepada Raja Dan Negara" is also passe by the look of things. And many agree that there is a serious lack of "kesopanan dan kesusilaan".....big sigh....
No wonder our Malaysia is no longer "rukun"............