There was a status update today which epitomises the general Muslim Malay mentality. It was a pic of a woman in tudung, some kind of clingy long pants - which was wet putting her underpants on public display. Okay...agreed that this young lady should have been more mindful of her attire. But that's another story...
The caption for the pic and the remarks from the viewers (all Malays and probably all Muslim if I were to go by their remarks) were what saddened me. EVERYONE had something derogatory to say EXCEPT for one sweet soul who cautioned them that this might be a canned pic. There were those who got on their mighty high horse to remark something like this, "itulah kalau tak tau agama..."....haish....
If the cameraman is a Muslim, then I would really love to knock him/her on the head - a hard knock! For the time it took to focus the camera, he/she could have walked up to the woman and told her of the embarrassing sight I would think. That would have been more "mulia"....kan....Ini tak...siap ambil gambar...THEN post pula on fb! Lepas tu bubuh caption yang mengaibkan....depicting the woman to be "bangang". Habis, kalau kita dah pandai sangat, awat tak kongsi ilmu kita tu?
Kita ni saudara sesama Islam. Apa yang memalukan saudara kita memalukan kita juga. Imagine if the same thing happens to a family member or friend. Mesti kita malu and sakit hati kan. Mesti kita sumpah seranah kat orang yang sampai hati bubuh gambar ni on a public networking site. Sama jugalah dengan si hamba Allah tu. Mesti dia malu. Mesti family dia, friends dia pun malu...and marah juga. Try putting yourself in the other person's shoes sebelum membuat benda-benda macam ni.
To the cameraman, awak kata minah ni bangang. Then what do you call yourself when you broadcast "kebangangan" minah ni? A hero??? Tepuk dada tanya niat! If you're a guy, remember that you, too, have women in your cherish, honour and protect. So try doing that to all the other women as well.....If you're a woman, then I wonder what you were thinking of when you allow a fellow sister to be humiliated....
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